So I've been thinking a lot about this project, and a few things are coming to me:
1) I'm pretty sure it's going to be fantasy, but I may go crazy and make it sci-fi.
2) I'm debating between two different ideas. I think it would be really fun to just write it "by the seat of my pants". You know, without any planning. That could be fun, but it would be pretty impractical. I could do some character design, some plot framework, but that would simplify the process a little. I don't know. The hard part is I keep coming up with these awesome plots and I don't know if I should use them. Thoughts, anyone?
3) I'm thinking about taking requests. Now, if you want me to write a story about X, join NaNoWriMo and do it yourself! But if you'd like me to add a certain type of character or mechanic, I could do that. Like, say, putting elephants in it. I am also considering putting people I know in it, but that raises a few problems of its own. Firstly, you would have to explicitly agree to be in it. Secondly, you would have to be willing to have me blow you out of proportion, or even just use your name on a radically different character. Thirdly, I would have to actually fit you in, which could be pretty hard as it is. No guarantees all around. But that's really not that important.
4) I have had a brilliant idea: a conlang. I will create a conlang specifically for this story. Obviously, I haven't thought much about the setting or plot (see 1&2) but this conlang will just be back-up for whenever I want to use it. I've got this great idea for honorifics and... you know what, why don't we wait until I've got this all figured out before giving you too much detail.
5)I am really going to need your support, everyone. When November starts, I'm still in school. Finals week is halfway through it! I will need your advice, your input, your ideas, and most importantly, your support. Also, as I mentioned before, I would be super-excited if someone else joined with me. That would be helpful so that we could write together, give each other confidence boosts, all that. (We could also chat over NaNoMail.)
Anyways, that's all for now. Keep following me, because I'll probably post Saturday. I might not though. Depends on what's new.
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