Saturday, November 13

New Developments Every Day!

Hey Everyone!
Hope you're all having a wonderful November. I've been doing all right. The weather has been pleasant, and I've come up with some new plot hooks. And wow, they're crazy!
You see, I came up with these five sorcerers that used a special language in the past to perform magic. However, they tapped into an incredibly dark power, and it corrupted them. Four of them became hyped up on one of the four humors (Melancholy, Bile, Blood, and Phlegm). Because of this, they became more and more evil. Only one of the siblings was unaffected. He felt very guilty about what they were doing. Thus, he cast an incredibly powerful spell, locking his four siblings into magical tablets. He gave them control over the magic of the world they had so greatly desired, but they could only use it at the behest of another. Then, to keep people from going the same way as his family, he changed the language so that it could only be used as a form of magic through the gods. (With me so far?) In the story, when the tablets break, the spirit of the old Sorcerer escapes and enters the person who broke it. So, at the end of the story, the four evil sorcerers will have escaped, and only the main characters can stop them. Yay antagonists!
Anyway, work is slow. I'm at the point where my plot points are stalling, so I'm jumping back and forth between different scenes. Eventually, I'll have to tie them all together. I'm a little behind, too. At the end of the night I'll be lucky to be at 20K. Gotta go, more writing needs to be done. Goodnight, and good luck.

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