Wednesday, November 3

First Post in November!

Herro Every-nyan! How are you? Fine, shank you. "OH MY GAH!"
(Now that I'm done being a baka-- I mean idiot...)
Welcome to NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month! As of Monday, November 1st, it has begun. And by it I mean NaNoWriMo. By it I also mean my novel, The Lost Text. So I suppose I meant they have begun.
Anyhoo, I bet you're excited to hear how I've been doing. Considering this is probably the latest I've ever posted, I bet you're really excited. As of today, I have written 5009 words. That's just over 10% in three days. Which is pretty much exactly where I need to be.
I've realized two things starting this journey: 1) I've added a lot of stuff just improvving it, and 2) It's really hard to write 1667 words unless you're really inspired.
Proof that improv is awesome: Grace played tic-tac-toe. That's right. Tic-tac-toe played a semi-important part in my story. (It's a method of interacting with someone without the benefit of language.)
The story is progressing fairly smoothly. I've got one character's story pretty much done, although I may come back to him. He's too important to pass up. I've started to feel the onset of writer's block. Nothing's more annoying than "Okay, she's right outside of the village. Now what?" I've sat for HOURS (okay, it was probably minutes) trying to decide what to happen next.
I think my writing style is really puerile. It's rather simple, especially when I don't know what's going on. I don't know if that will improve with editing, but for know it sounds a little basic. Ah well, we can't all be Dan Brown. (Hey, at least I'm not claiming something's true when it's totally made up. ZING!)
All in all, it's coming. I've got great quotes in my story. I've quoted Alexander Pope and the Bible so far. I think I'm gonna do Star Wars next; specifically, "'No, that's not true! That's impossible!' 'Search your feelings, you know it to be true.'" (That chapter will be about a physics student who discovers how to wield magic.) It should be great.
Keep in touch. I'll update on Saturday! Sayonara! (Dang it, this is the last time I update right after Anime Club...)

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